Shadow Seer
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Message from Crow
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Woolly Bear Caterpillar as a Messenger Totem
When a little Woolly Bear Caterpillar crossed my path today, I got to thinking about what it's appearance in my foot path could mean.
And since I'm a fan of going with personal experience, inner work, and building up trust in my own intuition, I wanted to lay out what seemed obvious before spending much time looking into what others have written about the Woolly Bear Caterpillar as a a Totem.
The first two things that come to mind, are it's striking colors: Red and Black.
Both colors are associated with Saturn, Fire, Earth, Root Chakra, Summer, Fall, the Devil card, the South, and the Void.
Being a Caterpillar of any kind, gives an obvious association with Metamorphosis; Transformation; Death and Rebirth.
Being so small and usually hidden, suggests an importance to be aware of "unseen" elements around you, and when it shows up in your direct walking path, it's saying "watch where you step!" or "Look before you leap" or "It's time to modify your usual path".
Because Woolly Bears are one of many kinds of beings that hibernate in the winter, there is an association with preparation for a moderate lengthened period of hardship, that will go by much more pleasantly with diligent preparation in food stores, diet, shelter, and comforts needed to rest.
And since Caterpillars cocoon themselves upside-down to go through they're Metamorphosis, that links them to the Hanged Man card and the Four of Swords; rest, sacrifice, voluntary transformations, Divine paths, and time for "inner" work.
The Woolly Bear specifically, has a unique feature, in that it can remain a Caterpillar for up to 10 years if it must, to wait for the perfect conditions for it to become an Isabella Tiger Moth, breed, and then die.
Just the length of time they are willing to go to wait for the right conditions, gives them an association with Capricorn; which means another link with Saturn.
It also gives them Predictive powers, as they must be able to read the signs around them each spring, to know if the upcoming summer will be worth their transformation; which takes months, and then must result in viable eggs being laid before it dies. In order to do that, the little Woolly Bear must be able to forecast and divine the future; which it's very good at. Good enough that there's even common folklore that says you can use them to predict what our winter weather will be like.
And if there's enough truth to that, the one that placed itself in my path, could've very well been saying "this winter will be mild, but still cold. It's time to prepare for it."
All that being said, as a Theme Totem, Power Totem, or Animal Guide, that suggests that you either naturally have psychic or prophetic abilities, or that Woolly Bear is offering you it's own such abilities for a time.
If you're already a reader or diviner in some form, it could be saying now is a good time to do some divination.
Next, it's good to think about, that in it's overall life journey, a Caterpillar is a bug that's all about LOVE; with the Woolly Bear getting extra emphasis on that, because of how long it's willing to hold off on its transformation; remaining both solitary and celebrate until then, to be sure that it will find it's best mate within the same year it's metamorphosizes into a Tiger Moth.
That could indicate that there is some inner and outer work you need to do, before you will find your best mate.
Or it could be saying that now is a good time for solitary work, "you time", self care, home projects, time spent in nature, andor work projects.
And speaking of diligent hard work, I'm sensing another Capricorn connection; which is also connected to the Caterpillar, because Capricorn is one of the only signs to evolve from one being into another; from deep sea fish to mountain peak goat. Capricorn is also the "Architect" of the zodiac, which connects to the Caterpillars careful building of it's own houses.
Though because the diligent work of the Woolly Bear is so deeply tied into food and the stubborn pursuit of love, there's also a strong connection with Taurus.
It's need for 'perfect conditions' also gives it a link to Virgo.
And since we're on the topic of Earth, because Caterpillar can't yet fly and spends most of it's pre-meta life on the ground, under rocks and on trees, it's a very "grounded" being.
That link, along with it's many links to abundance and slow moving life style, connects it also to the Empress card; another connection with Taurus. The message from that could be similar to "slow and steady wins the race".
And although as a Caterpillar it's mostly a "ground" being, because it was born from a flying being, and spends all it's life preparing to become a flying being again, it will always be a being of "two worlds", which is a great medicine and often a property of totems aligned with shamanic type paths; much like duck, platypus, crow, frog, vulture, woodpecker, ant, fly, dragonfly, etc..
Being that the Woolly Bear turns into a Moth rather than a Butterfly, there's also strong links to the Moon, Nighttime, Shadow, and flying towards Light.
Tiger Moth in particular, is a predator, which gives an association with hunting, skill, and courage.
There are many other associations with Caterpillars in general, and over the next few days, I'll spend some time researching known myths and information about the Woolly Bear Caterpillar as a Totem in any form, to come back and add to my own thoughts about their messages.
Until then, if Caterpillar or Woolly Bear has come across your path or entered your dreams, please share your experience and thoughts with us, in the comments below.
About different types of Totem Allies
There are some totems that are with us before birth; these are our soul totems.
There are others that agree to join us at birth and walk with us throughout this lifetime; they are Life Totems, and pith become "Themes" throughout our lives.
Either of the above two can be Power Totems, or not.
There are others that come to us for many years while we need them or while we're learning certain lessons, which is why I consider them to be "Teaching Totems".
Then there are others who come only briefly. T could be just a few times every few months, or a few times in a week, or even just for a single sighting; brief enough to make you wonder if it was really a messenger or just a coincidental occurrance. These are "Messenger Totems".
These thoughts have come to me after a chance encounter with a brief messenger totem known as a Woolly Bear Caterpillar.
It was such a brief encounter, that I almost thought nothing of it.
I pulled into my gravel driveway, got out and directly in my foot path, was this little black and red being, attempting to cross what I'm sure felt like a barren and treacherous desert between lawns.
I picked it up and put it in our lawn, hoping I didn't just send it backwards on it's journey, just to protect it from being squished by people's or vehicles or picked up by a hungry predator.
Upon thinking about it, there's very little chance it was coincidence, even if I did believe in coincidences.
These little Woolly Bears are not commonly seen so far down from the mountains. I've only seen one before, two years ago now.
In my experience, messenger totems are often distinct in that they appear directly in your path unexpectedly, they haven't been in your conscious awareness at the time, and they stick out in some way.
An example: My family likes to attract humming birds with feeders. If I go onto the porch during the day, I know I'm going to see humming birds. There's a certain energy granted in being around them so often, but not any "messages".
They are expected, they're in my conscious awareness a lot, and I often end up in their path, not the other way around.
Now, if I'm in my car at the end of the driveway or I'm at the park, away from the trees and feeders and minding my own business, and one or several hummingbirds dive bomb past my ears with their helicopter sounding wings, or one perches on my car door and calls at me, then I know Hummingbird is demanding my attention and has a message for me.
Or, with Crows, a strong ally; I know if I go to a junk food establishment, they'll likely be in the parking lot. Same with going to popular parks where food and shiny objects get left out often.
Though when they come and sit near my rv, and caw and call at my house, where the neighbors and my family often scare them away because of various incorrect superstitions about them, I know it's significant. Same with when I'll pull up somewhere I wasn't thinking about them at all, and find a near perfect black feather. At those times, I know they are 'speaking' directly to me, offering their deep wisdom.
Things like Snakes, Mice, Spiders & Raccoons are a more obvious messengers, because they are intentional hidders. They go out of their way to avoid being seen as much as possible. So when you see one in your path, or one comes to you directly, it is very likely they are bringing you messages, or even offering their allyship.
I'll share some more thoughts about this at another time.
Until then, I very much appreciate your comments, thoughts, and shared experiences.
Thursday, July 11, 2019
When Spirit Speaks: My Personal Experience with a Granted Request to Connect with the Dawn
Hearing the beautiful cry of a soaring Eagle just over head...
...I'm reminded of a manifestation that materialized before me this morning, which feels like it's worth sharing; especially for anyone else who is learning to listen when Spirit Speaks, and for those who already know how to listen but whom might often feel alone in such miracles and manifestations (as I sometimes do in when I'm cycling through one of my lower vibrations).It was early this morning, around 4:30 am, when my legs wouldn't quick waffling between hurting and going numb in our old worn out bed, that I decided to get up for a little bit and walk around; hoping I could stretch my legs out enough with movement and tylenol, to be able to come back up and get some sleep before too much more of the day had already started.
Being that this was the second week I've been having troubles getting up to bed andor getting to sleep until after sunrise, this morning felt like another stressful addition to other daytime dramas being played out under the current Scorpio Moon and Retrograde Mercury.
Though as exhausted as I was, I knew that once the chorus of wild birds started up in the morning, that I wasn't going to have any easier a time getting to sleep than when they were perfectly quite. So I figured I'd go down to the back patio to watch the feeders and use my new bird call/sound identifier app (I think it's called "birdnet"), and enjoy pretending like I was back out into the untamed wilderness of southern Oregon that I just left three weeks ago; and deeply miss.
As I shuffled down onto the patio and found a smoke, I already found myself recognizing the trills, caws and mimicry of the Stellar Jays, the almost bark like trumpeting of nearby Woodpeckers, and the quiet but quite unique fee-fee-bee and chick-a-dee-dee-dee's of the local Chickadees. I'm pretty sure I also heard the eery trills of varied thrushes, but the Tricolored Grosebeaks and Townee's were being too vocal for the app to help me confirm what my intuition said was correct.
Once I had the app loaded, I was able to identify several new bird sounds to connect with the various operatic chorus of the early morning. I was also able to test myself to see if I could guess at some that seemed ify, and found that I know Robin and other song birds better than I thought, but also that one should never underestimate the mimicry abilities of Stellar Jays, who were enjoying mimicking the Woodpeckers and Hawks this morning.
After about 30 minutes of sleepily enjoying listening to different species of birds communicated back and forth from different spaces in the trees, and take their almost synchronized turns at the feeders, I realized how happy I felt out there, just enjoying a smoke and some birds that I couldn't even barely see through my blurry tired eyes.
It was in the moment that I was almost done with my smoke, that it dawned on me, that I had set an intention several months ago, to start getting up with the sun every day starting at the end of June, even if I was to wake up and only stay up long enough to enjoy a smoke or two with the sunrise; something I keep receiving bits of knowledge and gnosis about being an ancient and powerful practice for those who are receptive and committed to such prayer forms.
Of course, as a silly hooman, I set the intention and then forgot to set a calendar reminder about my intention; which in an ironic twist, is actually the correct way to manifest if you listen to Abraham Hick's teachings about set it and forget it (or at least, set it and don't dwell on the lack of it).
So when it dawned across my mind how oddly coincidental it felt that I was having trouble falling asleep until the point that the birds were singing, screaming, screeching, hollaring, and singing; which I was only then recognizing happened every morning just before the suns first rays hit the sky, that I had been intending on starting to get up and gratefully pray with the sunrise every morning, I had to laugh out loud and say several extra prayers of gratitude and deep appreciation for Spirit's great sense of humor & infinite creativity with stubborn, deaf and dumb hooman beans like myself.
Had it not been for the unusual persistence of my bodies pain night after night; I would've been fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Had it not been for the struggle and challenges in my familial and intimate relationships, I wouldn't have stayed up so late trying to reason out rational choices in my head after much unnecessary crazy-making; which if not for this specifically, I wouldn't have discovered that the best way for me to recover and maintain my intended state of Joyful Authenticity and quiet my painfully active and negative monkey brain, was to listen to the birds and picture myself out there soaring, socializing and singing with them; which was the only consistent source of gratefulness, joy and authenticity I could find after getting upset at myself for being stuck in my own negative thought cycles for the past several weeks.

Had it not been for all these things and more, I wouldn't now be feeling grateful for all the contrast; which I've spent too much time casting into my own shadowsphere as pain, suffering, and misery.
Where it not for the way that things came together as they did, I likely would still be so wrapped up in mental-muggle-maddnesses, to have remembered my desire to be present when the Sun first greets the day; nor would I have felt so grateful for the peace I found in such noise, and the joy I felt in remembering my request and seeing it manifested before my eyes in that moment with the ability to be conscious of it (which genuinely makes a huge difference).
The Eagle from earlier, has circled back and is crying out from somewhere much closer but out of sight from my writing area; confirming for me, that this is a lesson earned as much as learned, and that it is/was definitely right to share such an experience; which the coo of the mourning dove's tells me is on the path of divine love.
So, dear readers who were called to read this; I genuinely hope something in this post speaks to you and becomes another cooperative component that Spirit and your Inner Being are able to use to reach you, teach you, please you, love you, and laugh with you.
If you feel so called, please share your experience's andor thoughts in the comments below, or in a private message in the contact me section.
Otherwise; happy trails and listening lessons, until we meet again!
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Hard Pills to Swallow: You cannot manifest a world of "true" Equality when you don't love EVERYONE Equally
EVERYBODY deserves "equality" in every way; EXCEPT that one person or that group of people.
Usually that one person is the sitting president of the time, and that group of people are usually thought of as the opposing party, but when examined are actually just a collection of any
persons whom dare hold even one single different perspective than the
person currently virtue signaling; whom they then suggest must unfriend,
distance, stop interacting with them, or basically stop existing in
their reality somehow.Which is amusingly ironic to me, considering that it is most often folks who claim to be so egalitarian that they believe everyone deserves love, compassion, understanding, non-judgement, and equal ability to enjoy life and all it's bounty, whom are the very same persons who then out themselves as rather virtue-deficient when they specifically choose to exclude anyone from their virtuous claims that everyone deserves equality.

"EVERYONE deserves Equality except The Rich!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Hated Politician Here__!""Everyone deserves Equality except Meat Eaters!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except Polluters!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except Hardened Criminals!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Misunderstood Religion Here__!""Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Hated Political Ideology Here__!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Name of Anyone Who Doesn't Agree with You Here__!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Name of Anyone You Don't Agree with Here__!"
This happens across social media platforms, intellectual circles, support groups, ideological organizations, cultural memes, social cliques, and so on; the majority claims to be a twue fighter for freedom, equality and civil rights for everyone except the minorities they hate (the rich, the beautiful, the ugly, the poor, the devout, the hedonist, etc...)"Everyone deserves 'Equality' except anyone I believe doesn't think the way I do!"
And the real crime of it all, is that this behavior is nothing new.
And is unfortunately also not likely to fall out of fashion anytime soon.