EVERYBODY deserves "equality" in every way; EXCEPT that one person or that group of people.
Usually that one person is the sitting president of the time, and that group of people are usually thought of as the opposing party, but when examined are actually just a collection of any
persons whom dare hold even one single different perspective than the
person currently virtue signaling; whom they then suggest must unfriend,
distance, stop interacting with them, or basically stop existing in
their reality somehow.Which is amusingly ironic to me, considering that it is most often folks who claim to be so egalitarian that they believe everyone deserves love, compassion, understanding, non-judgement, and equal ability to enjoy life and all it's bounty, whom are the very same persons who then out themselves as rather virtue-deficient when they specifically choose to exclude anyone from their virtuous claims that everyone deserves equality.

"EVERYONE deserves Equality except The Rich!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Hated Politician Here__!""Everyone deserves Equality except Meat Eaters!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except Polluters!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except Hardened Criminals!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Misunderstood Religion Here__!""Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Hated Political Ideology Here__!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Name of Anyone Who Doesn't Agree with You Here__!"
"Everyone deserves Equality except __Insert Name of Anyone You Don't Agree with Here__!"
This happens across social media platforms, intellectual circles, support groups, ideological organizations, cultural memes, social cliques, and so on; the majority claims to be a twue fighter for freedom, equality and civil rights for everyone except the minorities they hate (the rich, the beautiful, the ugly, the poor, the devout, the hedonist, etc...)"Everyone deserves 'Equality' except anyone I believe doesn't think the way I do!"
And the real crime of it all, is that this behavior is nothing new.
And is unfortunately also not likely to fall out of fashion anytime soon.
Humankind has been unceremoniously excluding selected individuals and groups from the humane treatment they claim everyone deserves without need for earning it, since at least as far back as earliest recorded history; which is spun and respun to fit different majority skews every few decades, making things even more maddeningly illogical and hard to follow.

Even those who are deeply "educated" and exceptionally intelligent, fall into these traps of illogical circular logic, wherein instead of examining our beliefs for consistency and authenticity, we waiver and waffle until we have a strange and irrational set of beliefs that even those who hold them, don't truly understand; and unfortunately often hold deep resistance towards trying to understand beyond the shallow waters of current common heuristic thoughts.
And when you consider that our collective reality is manifested via the most consistent thoughts and desires of the collective, it becomes clear why we don't actually have any cultures that are truly founded upon and actively driven by genuine equality and equity for everyone.
It's because the majority fights to hold onto the absolutely contradictory belief that you can have equality and equity for those whose beliefs align with the majority, while excluding those whose beliefs don't align with the majority; which is the silliest thing ever.
How could anyone expect to create a world of equality, when they themselves aren't actually able to love and respect everyone equality regardless of their lifestyles or beliefs?
The only way true equality could ever manifest consistently across the board, is if the majority of thinkers in the world authentically believed there were no "good" or "bad" experiences, beliefs or lifestyle choices, and that EVERYONE; including those we don't like, vehemently disagree with, andor hope karma will kick in the pants, deserved total equality.
The rich, the poor, the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the honest, the manipulative, the lazy, the hustlers, the lovers, the haters, etc...
If that sounds absolutely absurd, then it's time to recognize that you are not ready for true equality.
It cannot manifest in a world with so much active prejudice.
True equality and equity cannot manifest in a world where the rich or the greedy or the criminal or the violent are excluded from the same respect, compassion, and space holding as the lovers and the peace makers and the justice keepers.
It's delusional to believe such a consistent reality could survive amongst such inconsistent hallucinators who often intentionally resist recognizing the delusional reality they're manifesting when they claim to love and honor everyone and every way of life, right before listing off their top exceptions to their wholesome love for "everyone" and twue desire for everyone to have equality.
At times it's painful to see so many people crying out for something they don't genuinely desire.
If we (as a whole) truly desire to manifest a world that is based on the premise of true equality and equity; of true respect, compassion, love, non-judgement, access to resources, access to justice, and to have space held (or at least allowed) for them to live in any way of their choosing; if we genuinely want that kind of world, then there cannot be any exceptions to the rule.

Not a single criminal.
Not a single politician.
Not a single terrorist.
Not a single zealot or fanatic.
Not a single deplorable, ignorant, repugnant or vitrol individual.
Not a single horribly prejudice or genuinely destructive organization or company.
Equality is a tenant that only excludes Exception.
Meaning that EVERYONE, regardless of how disagreeable, must be INCLUDED and consistently considered deserving of respect, compassion, understanding, and the equal opportunity to live freely in any way they choose without threat of shame or judgement from any other person.
Those who would claim to be rich simply by moving themselves into someone elses vaction home; must be allowed.
Those whom would claim themselves supreme ruler of all things and all people; must be accepted.
Those whom would taint the water with drugs for public benefit; must be respected.
Those whom would steal away children and elders in the early morning hours, to experiment on them for the benefit of the greater good; must be respected and treated compassionately.
Those folks who might decide to hate everyone and act hatefully in direct defiance of everyone who live under the tenant of equality for all, could still not be excluded; no matter how awful or hateful they might act.
That is what TRUE Equality means.

It's an added irony (to this wholly ironic situation we irrational humans have manifested), that those rare individuals who are truly able to love everyone without exception & recognize that all experiences regardless of their place on the current collective scale of "good" or "bad" are valuable miracles in their own ways, are the exception to the rule.
The majority of people modern day psychology would label as "normal" and "healthy", are actually quite judgemental, prejudice & intolerant, and often intentionally so; though they often don't consciously recognize the contradictions in their own beliefs.
Of the few that are aware of their own hypocrisy, the majority of them subscribe to hypothesis like the Paradox of Tolerance, to help quiet the painful dissonance in their minds that push them to pick beliefs that can actually consistently manifest in their reality.
Cause the average individual would immediately scoff & heartily laugh at the infathomable notion of choosing to genuinely love, accept and fight for the equality of everyone without exception or attachment to personal triggers; which would then be followed by deep anger at anyone who, even in jest, pushed for that person to think a little deeper about their self-professed desire to manifest twue equality when they genuinely find it laughable to think about actually loving and wanting equality for everyone without exception.
Though it's that very concept; loving everyone without exception, that would manifest a truly equal world.
Cause so long as we feel righteous and virtuous in our hate for the rich or the Trumps or the Clintons or the polluters or gender discriminators or the warmongers or the industrial giants of our age; then there will always exist those who feel righteous and validated in their hate of those of different religious paths, different love paths, and different outward expressions.

If it's okay for you to hate the rich, then it's acceptable for others to hate the poor.
If it's okay for you to forcefully steal the income of the rich, powerful or well endowed because you believe it's the "right thing to do"; then the universe will see it as acceptable to allow the rich and powerful to steal indigenous lands, pollute public resources, or to exile from society those individuals and groups under the premise that it is the "right thing to do"?
Skewed or not, our history books & multi-cultural myths are filled with thousands of times when the majority believed horrific things needed to be done in the name of the "Greater Good" andor "Public Benefit"; which most modern individuals look back on and openly decry, only to then go out and demand that the powers that be do what they believe is "right", as if it's somehow different this time.
How many of you believe it should be a womans right to choose how she cares for her body UNLESS she educates herself on the current corruption inside and outside of the vaccination industry and decides to stop vaccinating and fight for vaccine safety and public transparency?
How many of you read through history books and think about how absolutely wrong of the white forefathers of the US, to have stolen lands and intentionally set out to destroy the every culture of all Indigenous turtle-island dwellers who lived here first, yet you would absolutely be against the notion of having every non-indigenous individual step out of govt and give everything back to indigenous americans to do what they want with it again; for better or worse (which would be the right thing to do)?
And how many of you genuinely believe you want to live within a pure democracy where the majority rules, yet you would absolutely riot if the majority wanted to legalize dog fighting or child labor or forced sex slavery or a return to when women, indians and blacks weren't considered "whole" humans?

How many of you believe it would be horrifically unacceptable to use govt to force adults or children with weak genetics into taking birth control that sterilizes them for the rest of their lives even if it would protect the earth by preventing continued overpopulation, yet you believe it's totally acceptable and necessary to use govt force to get vaccinated using vaccines made using ingredients that can include and commonly cause side effects like reproductive sterilization, gillian-barre syndrome, seizures, brain damage and death?
Likewise, how many of you tell yourselves you believe everyone should be allowed the opportunity to become President of the United States, UNLESS they are too old, too young, too dumb, too smart, too poor, too rich, too cultured, too uncultured, too classy, too ghetto, too manly, too womanly, too flip floppy, too firm in their convictions, too real, too fake, too independent, too tied to their political party, too inexperienced, too experienced, etcetera ad nauseum?
And lastly, how many of you believe everyone should be allowed free speech; including your ability to shit talk your most hated politicians or to aggressively shame those who make choices you don't agree with, up UNTIL someone else is given the same freedom to hurt you or your loved ones with their words?
It used to be that when an individual did something the majority believed was wrong, they were stoned or hung by the neck.
Now we use lobbyist, laws, and activism to punish those who don't agree with us.

It is simply that we can never have a world where any sense of the true meaning of equality can actually manifest in any meaningful way.
Until we can listen to the Buddhas' and MLK's and Wovokas and Gandhi's and Mother Teresa's and Florence Nightengale's and Maya Angelou's and Princess Angelines and other enlightened ones; until we can truly detach ourselves from the long held hate in our hearts that hold us seperate from one another.
Until we can talk the talk AND walk the walk, we will continue only to manifest as much prejudice, exclusion, exceptionism and inequality as regularly think and speak about; which is why we see so much of it in the world today.
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